Physical Structure
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The Fund Settlement System’s Physical Structure


----CCB started to develop the fund settlement system in 1995. After one year’s hard efforts, CCB officially launched the system in all its outlets nationwide on Oct. 7th, 1996. The system, with its tree structure, takes the National X.25 data communication network as the medium. It has the center at CCB Head Office, the Class A sub-centers at the provincial branches, the Class B sub-centers at the municipal branches, settlement teams at county branches, and settlement spots outside the bank. Thus the whole system forms a fund settlement network, which has four layers and seven joints and covers all the business outlets of CCB. This system has 2815 settlement centers (teams), connecting the CCB accounting networks in 6118 national branches and over 2000 provincial branches. The planned daily operation capacity of the system: 600 thousand deals at the Head Office, 100 thousand at provincial branches, 50 thousand at municipal branches, and county branches 5000.