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“JPMorgan Fleming Asia Wealth Selection” Combination Fund-– Aim at Steady Return
Published time: 2007-09-20

Between 24th and 28th September, CCB will launch a new financial product, JPMorgan Asia Wealth Creation Choice” on a national scale.  The product structure adapts a combination of funds which invest mainly in funds managed by JF Asset Management that are related to economies of Asian countries and Australia.

To an investor, the main concern is investment returns and the main worry is market fluctuations and adjustments and the ultimate aim is to achieve long tern steady returns.

“The inclination of ‘loss evasion’, a common term in finance, is typical of any investor who tends to be more susceptible to loss.  That is why the demand for a financial product offering steady return is paramount to an investor.”  A representative of the finance marketing department of CCB said, “This latest QDII product, the JPMorgan Asia Wealth Creation Choice is targeted at this need of the investors.”

“Combination of Funds” is also known as “Fund of Funds” which means its investment targets are other funds.  One of the advantages is that risks are spread to a greater extent.

During 1990 and 2005, S & P 500 fluctuated quite substantially.  In particular, during 1997 and 2000, it rose by more than 300% and dropped substantially after the IT bubble burst.  However during the same period, the return of the combination of funds remained its steady growth.  While the S & P 500 dropped significantly after 2000, the fund was able to keep its steady growing trend.  Obviously, the fund spread it investments in various markets thus capable to offer a more steady return.

As pointed out by a professional in the field, an investor should have a sense of risk when making investments.  Proper consideration should be made to assess of how to avoid risks.  The nature of a combination of funds is to spread risks and provide steady return which suits investors asking for long term investments and long term financial goals.

This financial product introduced by CCB is one of the Asian fund products managed by JF Asset Management.  JF Asset Management has many years of experience of investing in Asia.  The performances of its fund are good and they have been highly accredited by authoritative agents like S & P, Morning Star, etc.  Through rational allocation of funds by its overseas asset manager, “JPMorgan Asia Wealth Creation Choice” is able to achieve reasonable return and counteract risks.
