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CCB will shortly launch the “JPMorgan Asia Wealth Creation Choice” Financial Product
Published time: 2007-09-18

To satisfy the pressing demands of domestic investors for off-shore financial products, CCB will launch a new financial product known as JPMorgan Asia Wealth Creation Choice”, an addition to its overseas investment portfolio.  The product’s investment will focus mainly on selected Asia Pacific markets of high growth potential.  The off-shore asset manager is JF Asset Management Company Limited.

Recently, with the A share market fluctuating widely at the high level of over 5,000 points, off-shore investments become a hot spot in the wealth management sector.  More and more investors begin to shift their attention to the off-shore markets to avoid the risk of unilateral market investment.  The market reflects that financial products launched by banks and fund management companies are well recognised by investors.

Growth data of off-shore markets in recent years show that Asia has been the fastest growing economic region in the world.  Its pace has outgrown well developed markets like Europe and USA.  Particularly, in the last few years, the mode of economic development of the Asia Pacific region has notably changed from export oriented to internal consumption.  Coupled with its younger demographic structure, increase of family income and rapid urbanisation, the economic growth of the region is explosive.

The high economic growth of the Asia Pacific region has sustained the future growth of their stock markets.  In the last six years, MSCI Asia Pacific Ex Japan has outperformed the S & P 500 and the MSCI World, reflecting the keen interests of international investors in the Asian stock markets.  In the recent five years, the Indian and the Indonesian stock markets have increased by 352% and 324% respectively.  In the last few years, say 2005, the growth rate of South Korea and India were 54% and 42% respectively.  In 2006, the growth rate of India and Indonesia were 55% and 47% respectively.

According to a source in CCB, the financial product launched this time would enable domestic investors to share growth opportunities in the Asia Pacific region through in-depth studies in the region.
