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Caring Hearts, Glittering Diamond
Published time: 2007-06-05

CCB Received Community Chest Diamond Award

For Contributions to Public Welfare Services

On June 5th, the Community Chest of Hong Kong (“the Community Chest”) 2006/2007 Corporate & Employee Contribution Programme Cheque & Award Presentation Ceremony was held in the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre.  On this occasion, Construction Bank Corporation (“CCB”) was once again presented with the Diamond Award for its dedicated efforts in supporting public welfare services.  This is yet another gesture of recognition and praise for CCB’s undertaking its corporate social responsibility and its commitment to reciprocate society over the years.  Mr. Zhang Min, President of CCB Hong Kong Branch, accepted the award on behalf of CCB in addition to presenting a cheque of HK$720,880 to the Community Chest.

Established in 1968, the Community Chest is commonly recognised in Hong Kong as a charity organisation of high professionalism.  In the financial year 2005/2006, it had achieved enviable results in its fund raising activities.  For example, events such as the “Hong Kong Disneyland Charity Day”, “Mark Liu and Friends Charity Concert”, “Victoria Prison Decommissioning Open Day” and the “Stock Code Balloting for Charity Scheme” had brought in huge amounts of money into the Chest’s coffers.

The “Corporate and Employee Contribution Programme”, to which CCB has made its donation, is one of the main fund raising campaigns of the Community Chest, contributing approximately one-third of the total funds it raises annually.  For its donation, CCB had designated that it be used for the support of the Youth Employment Network of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups.  Founded in 1960, this federation has been providing youth services for 47 years and is one of the largest non-profit-making youth welfare organisations in Hong Kong, boasting over 60 service units around the territory.  Annually, these service units provide over 10,000 activities for helping the physical and psychological development of youths, involving as many as 6.1 million counts of participation.  Insofar as youths are the backbone forces for the development and invigoration of society, CCB hopes that, through supporting the Youth Employment Network, it can help Hong Kong youths enhance their employability constantly, thereby contribute towards a more prosperous and advanced community.

As a major joint-stock Chinese commercial bank listed overseas, CCB has always been enthusiastic about causes for the public good.  It has been committed to undertaking its social responsibilities while recording ever improving operating results.  For example, in the Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2006 it has just released, one can see that, over the years, the CCB Caring Foundation has funded the building of 25 CCB Hope primary schools to allow children in impoverished regions resume their schooling.  In addition, CCB has made substantial contributions to disaster-stricken areas, destitute mountain regions, the Red Cross Society of China, the China Children & Teenagers’ Fund and the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation.  Consequently, for it contributions for social and charity causes, CCB has received much recognition and encouragement from the public.  In 2006, CCB was presented, among others, the “Outstanding Contribution to the Care of Children Award” by China Children and Teenagers’ Fund, “The Second China Poverty Alleviation Special Contribution Award” by China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, and the “Most Responsible Corporate Citizen” award by Red Cross Society of China.
