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CCB University Long Card Wins the Award of the Most Favored Credit Card of University Students
Published time: 2007-04-03

On March 28, the list of the best Chinese credit cards selected by famous economists and cardholders research company was released. The campaign is hosted by and China National Radio and participated by the Financial Research Institution of China Management Academy of Sciences. CCB’s University Long Card wins the award of the Most Favored Credit Card of University Students.


It is said that the CCB University Long Card is the first credit card issued by a domestic bank especially for university students. It is designed to help university students increase financial knowledge, develop wealth management capacity, accumulate personal credit and build the foundation for their future career. With a novel design, the transparent card has four colors of orange, deep green, light green and dark reddish purple, representing the energetic, smart, innovative and independent characteristics of university students. The background picture of a trencher cap displays the confidence and promising prospects of university students.


The card offers a series of special privileges to university students, including the student group purchase installment plan with zero interest and commission, preferential withdrawal service charge and free inter-city deposit. In addition, upon graduation students can get an authoritative credit report from CCB which will help their job hunting.


The University Long Card has been welcomed widely by university students and now has a royal customer base of more than 300,000 university students.