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CCB Calls the Attention of Our Customers: Beware of the On-line Banking Crimes
Published time: 2007-03-21

Recently, new tricks used by criminal suspects in on-line banking frauds emerged one after another. There were some reports saying that the funds in certain accounts were transferred away by some criminal suspects. Judging from today’s scenario, most of these cases were caused by the virus or hiker’s attacks. Therefore, CCB called the attention of our customers: in order to ensure the safety of your funds, you are recommended not to tell anyone your logon passwords and transaction passwords in the whole online banking; you are recommended to keep you electronic certificate in proper place, protect the on-line banking PCs, and update the operating system and anti-virus software in time; you are recommended not to visit suspicious websites or download suspicious software so as not to be infected by malicious Trojan virus that aims at obtaining your information and especially not to use the online banking in public places like Internet cafes; and you are recommended to use such secure equipment like USB Key or dynamic password card to improve the security level at the customer ends. 

If you find any abnormality in your account, please call our customer care hotline 95533 and ask the operator to check the flow of your capitals. In certain circumstances, the operator may adopt some emergency measures such as the verbal reporting of losses.

We also like to remind you that when you receiving ad, SMS, mail, telephone and fax containing the following information or similar information, please stay calm and call our customer hotline 95533 to check what’s going on. The following tricks are often employed by the suspects. Please beware of them.

□ Telling you that the your bank card number has been stolen and used by others and asking you to subscribe the online banking services to configure online banking alert system;

□ Telling you that your account is suspected of money laundering and asking you to subscribe the online banking services for the monitoring of money laundering;

□Telling you that the bank may offer you no-mortgage, no-guarantee or low-interest-rate loans and asking you to subscribe the online banking services for authentication;

□Asking you to make deposits so as to do business with others and asking you to subscribe the online banking services for authentication;

□ and saying that you are some high-yield investment projects such as issuing high-interest-rate loans through underground banks and the projects are in the phase of raising funds and asking you to deposit capitals and to subscribe the online banking services for authentication.

Since the introduction of online banking services in 1999, CCB has been paying high attention to secure operation and given top priority to security. In addition to logon passwords, transaction passwords, electronic certificates, CCB also introduced a number of other security measures, such as SMS alert, privacy protection, account protection, quota control, the limits on the daily logon, and password soft keyboard. In recent years, CCB also used a number of security equipment like USB Key and dynamic password card and also carried out publicity initiatives to introduce the equipment through Internet portals, via online banking systems and at different branches. Up to now, there are quite some customers using USB Key and dynamic password cards, which ensured the secure application of online banking.

