New Board of Supervisors Entered CCB

Published time:2003-09-05
Zhang Enzhao told on behalf of party committee of head office of CCB that all staff would make joint efforts with Board of Supervisors to develop CCB into a modern commercial bank with strong international competitiveness.
---- New Board of Supervisors entered CCB on the morning of August 11. During the meeting, Zhang Enzhao, President of CCB expressed heartfelt thanks to the Board of Supervisors on behalf of party committee and all staff. Liu Shulan, Zhao Lin, Luo Zhefu, Zheng Zhijie, Chen Zuofu and related officials of head office attended the welcome ceremony.
---- After Hu Huaibang, director of working department of Board of Supervisors of Banking Supervisory Commission introduced members of Board of Supervisors, Xie Duyang, President of Board of Supervisors made speech on behalf of Board of Supervisors.  Xie Duyang said that he felt proud to enter CCB and assume supervision responsibility honored by the State Council. He promised to hold full responsibility for their duties, observe "Rules on Board of Supervisors" and make contributions to the reform and development of CCB through the work of Board of Supervisors.
---- In the speech, Zhang Enzhao said, improving and strengthening financial supervision is of great importance. The Board of Supervisors system implemented on important financial institutions from 2000 is an important strategy for deepening financial reform, improve and strengthening financial supervision and a significant step to promote establishment of scientific and reasonable modern banking system, build financial control and supervision system conforming to socialist market economy. Three years of practice has proved that distribution of Board of Supervisors in important financial institutions by Central Committee and State Council has strengthened the supervision function of owner of state-owned assets, improved financial supervision system and reinforce the contraction of leadership in state-owned financial institutions and supervision, promoted further strengthening of internal management and raising of economic returns, and it is significant for raising quality of financial assets, preventing and eliminate risks, ensuring sound operation and healthy development. With the entering of new Board of Supervisors and deepening of efforts, Board of Supervisors will, from the perspective of owner of state-owned assets, carry out supervision and check on CCB, which will further promote management and internal control and enhance operation and management skills.
---- Zhang Enzhao said, despite different division of functions between Board of Supervisors and CCB, the objective is uniform. Accordingly, we should be aware of the significance of Board of Supervisors system in national important financial institutions and cooperation closely with the work of Board of Supervisors. Party Committee requires all functions and units of the bank, in particular people in charge should proactively support and coordinate with the work of Board of Supervisors and accept supervision with responsible attitude towards party, people and undertaking of CCB in line with laws and regulations in force and requirement of Central Committee and State Council, in particular that of Provisional Rules on Board of Supervisions in State-owned Important Financial Institutions.
---- Zhang Enzhao required that units of all level should consistently and voluntarily accept the supervision of Board of Supervisors on financial situation, operation results and management status based on practical and realistic principle and assign specialized department and professionals to coordinate with their work. We should hear comments and criticism earnestly in case of problem and take immediate measures of improvement to fully respect and capitalize the working results of Board of Supervisors and further improve operation, raise economic return and facilitate the healthy development of our undertakings.
---- Zhang Enzhao said, calculating, accounting and other related functions should provide comprehensive and accurate accounting and business information in a timely manner according to the requirements of Board of Supervisors and make this work a standardized and regular one. Internal auditing and supervision departments shall accept the guidance of Board of Supervisors with open mind in line with relation laws and regulations, help and coordinate with Board of Supervisors on their work, learn rich working experiences and precise working style and improve internal supervision of CCB by using this opportunity. President office, department service center and related departments should provide good accommodation for working and living of Board of Supervisors.
--- At last, Zhang Enzhao expressed his hope that new Board of Supervisors will achieve plentiful and substantial results and staffs of CCB, in coordination with Board of Supervisors, build CCB into a modern commercial bank with strong international competitiveness and leading operation and management skills.
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